Usually R&D teams of our customers submit partial or complete specification for their needs, but then our technical team is able to bring innovative solutions for better design, efficiency and cost.
For example design of high frequency transformers, or flat wire on edge specific winding requirement are not always easy tasks, but thanks to long experience and effective calculation software, Elmi engineering team is able to propose first partial or even complete design in matters of hours.
Partner company Traftor with its 19 patents, several PTC and copyright cumulate also very strong technical knowledge. Its engineering team brings any complementary support for any very specific requirement.
Elmi provides on request 3D STEP drawings, submit detailed specifications for approval including electrical parameters, mechanical design, BOM ev. with UL numbers.
Traftor is registered in UL system, under number xxxx
Ask us for some technical information, advice, quote, samples, we are listening to you.
Do not hesitate to challenge us!